Monday, February 9, 2009

Pimples on face, comedones, black heads

Shodashi lep
Neem chaal [Azadiracta indica Bark] 200 g
Indrajao [Holerrhena antidysenterica Seeds] 50 g
Majeeth [Rubia cordifolia Stem] 200 g
Elua [Aloe Lump] 10 g
Daaru haldi [Berberis lycium Root] 50 g
Butter 30 g

Grind all the above items [except Butter] upto mustard size[1mm appx.]. Then boil them with Butter and 5 ltrs. of water. When remaining 3/4th of volume, filter it with thin cloth. Now boil the filtrate till it becomes viscid like honey. This will be referred as 'Lep'.

Indications---> White and black heads /comedones, pimples on face, dark spots on skin[specially due to infections] , allergic skin menifestations, skin discolouration, itching.

Dose--> Apply this lep on the affected area of skin and leave it for atleast 20 minutes. Then wash with fresh water. This application should be used atleast once a day.

Storage-->This lep remains usable for 7 days in winter and 3 days in other seasons. However, if stored in a refrigerator, it can be used for long time.

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