Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cough, Bronchiectasis

Vaanivilaas Leh [12]
Burn dried Kateri [Solenum Xanthocarpum] plants on a neat and clean place. Collect the ash and pour it into a bucket of water [appx. 8 ltrs.]. Filter it with cloth. Let the filtrate rest for 4 hours, then collect the clear fluid in a Stainless steel bowl. Boil it turns into dry flakes of 'Kshaar'. Now mix Honey 40 times of 'Kshaar' [Kshaar 1 gm + honey 40 gm] and grind to mix both items finely. This is Vaanivilaas Leh.
Indications--> Asthmatic attacks, bronchospasm, as mycolytic and mucodynamic in cough, attacks of cough envoked by talking [expiratory wheeze]. Useful to control severe bouts of cough. Bronchiectasis.
Dose---> 1 teaspoonful , thrice a day. Have a glass of warm water after it.
Storage---> Store in cool dry place. Stir well before use, as Kshaar gets sedimented at the bottom very soon.

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